Thursday, June 26, 2008

Paving the first of two layers of Pavement
on Prince Street.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Stone retaining wall re-stacked. Hand rail added.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Photo of retaining wall in late 2006.

Dismantled the stone retaining wall that was in
front of the house just west of the Fire Station.
The two 24" maple trees that had to be
removed when the power lines were re-routed.
Winterset removed the stumps, and in this photo
you can see the sleeves for the concrete which
will hold a new hand rail. The steps will not be redone.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Plans called for raising the Sewer Manhole cover
on Prince Street that was supposed to be in the new
roadway just west of the bridge (almost under the bridge).
It wasn't there. We spent two days with the town running
camera's up from the next manhole. It was very hard to
locate. We finally found it.
It had been buried years ago in about 10' of embankment.
And because it was further north than it was supposed to be,
we had broken part of the pipe right next to the manhole.
We were very lucky last summer when driving the steel
sheets to the temporary detour abutment. We came close
enough to break the pipe, but not plug it.
In the end, it cost us three days of work and instead of just
raising the lid, we had to build a new manhole from the
base up.